
Photographs, web pages and metal work by Chris Hawkins. The images and sites listed below are examples of work done over the last few years.


Never without a camera, this gallery shows a range of work. More can be seen on the fine art website treacletart.co.uk, the Behance Network site and the photo blogging site Flickr.



Web Design

Chris Hawkins as designed, built and consulted on an ever growing number of websites.

Recent work

The following sites were created by Chris Hawkins

Original design / build

These sites were built originally designed by Chris Hawkins, many of the design elements, photography or code still exist in the following.

  • helikites.com – Helikites are used or scaring birds, lifting cameras and many other things.
  • t-rescue.com – The online version of Technical Rescue Magazine.
  • southcoastpay.co.uk – Payroll services in South Hampshire.
  • church-street.org – A photographic project set in Basingstoke’s Church Street.


Ever keen to learn new skills, Chris took up silversmithing, he has a registered hall mark and is often persuaded to design and make small items of jewellery under commission. A range of work can be seen here.